Tuesday 28 May 2013

Potty progress proud!

It has been a few days since my last update on this subject but that is only really because there hasn't been much to say. The technique this time round has definitely been to let her get on with it in her own time. With Honey Bee, being my first, it was easy to slip into the 'theory' behind successful potty training but ultimately she was ready and was dry by 2 without much theory put into practice. With Sweet Pea, she started showing signs of interest by following me when I went to the toilet at just 19 months and asking to be held on the toilet even if she didn't do anything. She then progressed over the following months and was properly dry by 2.5 and didn't use potties much. With Missy Moo I started by just experimenting the odd evening while the bath was running, taking her nappy off and showing her the potty. She has had a few accidents, predictably but has started making better progress.

 The latest success has ultimately been slightly forced by me refusing to put a nappy back on her this morning because she has been constipated for a few days and when she gets like this I know she finds it extremely painful and nappies don't help because the poo is so hard that it sticks out and she obviously feels uncomfortable and the cycle continues where she holds back, partly in pain but partly to avoid the discomfort. So today, after a couple of doses of lactulose, and lots of 'quiet, hiding in corner moments' I encouraged her to try the potty and fortunately she was willing. So off came the nappy and although it was somewhat alien to her, which resulted in lots of screaming, she did stay on the potty. Then eventually came the proud moment...........out came the the painful poo! Then came the OTT praise, sweets and sticker! - got to be done! They need all the encouragement to make sure they see it as positive even after such a painful experience.

I would imagine that if you are reading this it is because you have experienced this milestone, are doing so or researching people's experiences ready for your little one's 'time'. I hope it has helped. Please feel free to ask any questions, share your experiences or leave any comments! So proud of my girl!!

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