Sunday 19 May 2013

Has Spring finally sprung?!

It's 6.08am as I'm starting to type this! For all the mums of small children this is a familiar time, a so might also be the fact that I have been awake for 40 mins or so courtesy of my youngest Missy Moo. I guess I should be grateful, as yesterday morning I was rudely awoken by Sweet Pea at 4.55am and prevented from going back to sleep then had the 'pleasure' of listening to her snore as she decided some 40-50mins later that she was actually going to drop back off now that I was awake. This made for a rather grumpy mummy at breakfast especially as she has been disturbing me every night either during the night or early in the morning. We are off to the hospital in a couple of weeks to get her Adenoids and Tonsils checked as her snoring/breathing/hallucinations are causing her (and me!) all this disruption. I appreciate all children are different with their sleep patterns but if there is something that can be done to help improve things then it will be a good thing as she can get pretty grumpy tired some days, especially after a few hours at play group.

Anyway, it is Monday morning so I have to get up soon anyway to get me and the brood ready for school/playgroup run. Hoping for a nice-ish day again today as it hasn't been a bad weekend. Saturday was a quieter day after the initial trip to GL1 for Honey Bee's weekly swimming lesson, followed by a brief trip down memory lane to the village where I grew up, to put some flowers on my Nana's grave as it was 8 years ago on Wednesday that we lost her to Cancer. unfortunately she never got to meet her great-grandaughter who was born in the September :(

I decided to treat the kids to KFC for tea so we went back out again for that after a bit of playing in the garden.What a drama that turned out to be! Took me a while to decide what to 'treat' myself to within my Daily Propoints then when we got there the littlies were running around whilst I was ordering the food, then Sweet Pea decided she was going to allow us to practically spend the whole evening there!

Yesterday I took us out to 3 Shires garden centre as I had discovered they have a play area and Aquajardin fish section and the girls have been piling the pressure on to get a small tank. Unfortunately for them I didn't succumb to the peer pressure but I did treat them to lunch (quite reasonable food and prices) and after much playing in the play area we ended up spending nearly 4 hours there! Was nice to have a few visits from Mr Sunshine too!

So another week begins..........mum and dad back from finishing The West Highland Way today (much to the relief of Sweet Pea who has been missing her Nana cuddles), their builders arrive tomorrow and I'm back in court on Wednesday......

Potty Training update: no more wee wee's on the potty but we are seeing Missy Moo voluntarily taking herself off to sit on the potty sometimes when I take her nappy off so that is promising!

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